Kable konektorearen eta gailu konektorearen arteko aldea

- 2021-08-27-

Kable konektorearen eta gailuaren arteko aldeakonektore

The cables themselves are useless unless they end with a konektore or a more special coaxial konektore. A coaxial konektore allows one cable to be connected to another cable or a device. Therefore, there are two different types of konektores: those connected to the cable and those connected to the device. The device konektorelau zuloko brida du.

1. Kablea zentralizatutakonektore

In a cable, the konektore is mechanically tightly connected to the end of the cable. Once the konektorekable batera konektatuta dago, kable multzoa bihurtzen da. RF ingeniariek gero pieza bakoitza beren beharren arabera konektatzen dute. Kable multzo gutxi batzuk behar direnean, merkeagoak eta azkarrago muntatzen dira berez; baina kable multzo asko behar direnean, hobe da kable multzoak erostea.

2. Konektorea

Bakoitzaren helburuakonektore is the same, with minimum insertion loss. Although the insertion loss of the konektore is very small compared with the cable, the konektore does have an insertion loss, and there are many different types of konektores. Almost all konektore families have konektores suitable for cables and devices. As a general rule, the konektores of one group will not match the konektores of another group.
Because some konektores are large in physical size, while others are small. If an inexpensive cable assembly is needed, then choose a small diameter cable, which limits the choice of konektores to the small konektore family available. If the cable needs to carry high-power radio frequency signals, a large-diameter cable is required, so a large konektatur beharrezkoa da.

The second reason is evolution. As the times change, konektore manufacturers often improve the connection according to actual needs, or reduce the insertion loss, or facilitate the use of the connection. Significant changes are made to an existing konektore type each time.

3. Egokitzailea

Horiek desberdinak direla etakonektorefamiliak, fenomeno interesgarria sortu da. RF ingeniariak kable bat konektatzera behartuta daudekonektore to another cable or device with a different konektore family. This cannot be done. The adapter is that they are in step. Adapters, also called coaxial adapters, are short bilateral konektores. On one side is one type of konektore, and once is another type of konektore.
